
Author Topic: It gets better and better...  (Read 351 times)

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Offline Hung_Low

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It gets better and better...
« on: December 15, 2021, 02:52:18 PM »
Chicago city to sue Smollett for fake racist, homophobe attack...
People that fake these hate crime are doing a disservice to actual hate crime... Prosecute and sue them like they're doing the hate crime.

Company prints "Let's Go Brandon" wrapper paper... they're flying off the shelf. Uh, the reporter did not misheard the chants. She was trying to cover it up by saying "Let's Go Brandon" instead of "F Joe Biden". It backed fired spectacularly. .. It got so bad that the MSM and Left Nutz are claiming it's a terrorist thread against Biden and a danger to democracy.

Mom of black player that sucker punched an Asian player is being charged
Know why it's not all over social media and MSM? Black on Asian crime is consider nothing because it's "white supremacy" that provoke the attack and Asian are consider "White" and not people of color.

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- Maxi pad not greatest thing on earth but next to it.


