
Author Topic: Types of Hmong in China  (Read 7234 times)

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Re: Types of Hmong in China
« Reply #15 on: March 18, 2016, 12:37:33 PM »
/\/\  ...  kekeke  ...   :2funny:  ( :idiot2:/ ::))

DUHafturdLIES ,
Aside from the literal pictorial translation of the Miao character, which carries/conveys a different meaning/translation in practice/reality, aka "barbarian/non-Chinese", all of your other rambling is UTTER BullShiETzzz-testicles  ...  KEKEKE  ...   >:D

So ha'typical ha'of ha'primitive ha'ignorant ha'clueless ha'idiotic ha'edumacated Ha'Mung ha'ranting ha'nonsense ha'incessantly ha'idiotically  ...  kekeke  ...   :idiot2:  ...  who ignorantly believes in fairy tales, hearsay, and delusions of hypothetical baseless grandeur/fantasies  ...  KEKEKE  ...   ::)

Y is it that u, DUHafturdLIES, am the only one (here on PH) who knows, believes, and claims all your (UTTER BullShiETzzz-testicles) ha'FACTS, ha'TRUTHS, and ha'BELIEFS when renowned worldwide scholarships: historians, professors, documents, data, archeology etc. for well over 100+ (arguably 1000+) years says completely otherwise?  Hmmm  ...  oh yeah  ... because they intellects/tangible truths whereas  ha'U ha'R uh-DUH-Ha'Mung ha'primitive ha'ignorant ha'clueless ha'idiotic ha'edumacated ha'dOO-dOO-fuss ha'ranting ha'nonsense ha'incessantly Ha'Muningly Ha'Mung  ...  Ha'DUH!  ...  KEKEKE  ...   >:D

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Re: Types of Hmong in China
« Reply #16 on: March 18, 2016, 03:43:09 PM »
/\/\  ...  kekeke  ...   :2funny:

DUHafturdLIES ...   :idiot2:,
Maybe it is "U" who needs to CITE all of your references, scholarships, and/or data/FACTS (preferably of academically accredited and/or of Global Academic awareness, acknowledgemen t, and contemplation versus your Ha'Mung ha'primitive ha'ignorance ha'idiotic ha'edumacated ha'ranting ha'nonsese ha'nincompOOPness  ...  KEKEKE  ...   >:D) with respect to all your ha'BULLshiETZZz-testicles ha'idiocy laced in baseless hypo(pahtetic)thetical delusional fantasies/grandeur clearly laced in ignorance, hearsay. fairy tales, and mind-altering illegal substances  ...  kekeke  ...   :idiot2:

Since you ha'AZZed, and hopefully "U" will do yourself some justice and maybe actually read through one of these scholarships VERSUS being (and continuing) to be a complete ha'primitive ha'ignorant ha'clueless ha'edumacated ha'dolt Ha'Mungingly Ha'Mung ( U-F-N ha'dumpASSh)  ...  KEKEKE  ...   >:D

1.  Haiv Hmoob Liv Xwm  -- Tsheej, Yaj, Betraise
2.  History of the Hmong (Meo) --  Mottin
3.  Insurgency and Social Disorder in Guizhou -- Jenks
4.  Cultural Encounters on China's Ethnic Frontiers  --  Harrell
5.  ...  plus the academically renowned scholarhips of Geddes, Grhams, Tapp, Culas, Lemonde, etc. including Miao Prefessors who need not be mentioned  ...  kekeke  ...   O0
(Unlike some ha'idiots, some of us actually have and has some credibility, in whatever rhetoric is being said/posted.  Oar chow dow-dow  ...  KEKEKE  ...   8))

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