
Author Topic: The Not so private Diary of JonniJacco  (Read 12790 times)

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Offline JonniJacko

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Re: The Not so private Diary of JonniJacco
« Reply #90 on: May 08, 2024, 05:41:40 AM »

We finally were assign to work together again the other day. Both of us started around the same time, and one day he was tailgating me for a mile to work. So we both had some animosity since. Never spoken to him until recently. LOL Both us express our workplace frustrations. We both agree, though we both disliked a lot of the things here, we get a away with a lot here where we wouldn't elsewhere. Showing up late, just use PTO or Sick time to cover it. No being called into a office and have a interrogation session. LOL Come back a few minutes late from break, if they don't get yell at by their boss, they don't care much. lols..We stop to think how long since we been here, I jokingly told him he has more grey hairs but look better shape from what I remember 6 years ago, and he joke, Always thought you were either mute or deaf at one point. Joke to him, this place turned me into a Jackass...LOL We had mostly small talks intermittently throughout the shift. But our last one got me thinking. He said the word "control" should not even exist. Said we don't control the next second, minute, hours or days. How others perceived or feels about us. All we can do is go with the flow and take our best precautions from anything bad happening. We don't really get to choose what we get and how we get it, if we do get it- but to work hard towards it. Like driving, all we can do is make sure our tires and suspensions are in good shape. But a blow out tire or a pot hole we didn't see can damage one or both of it while driving on the roads.

Shift was over, we both walk out to our cars together, and that was when he brought up the tailgating incident. haha He apologize, and I joke, it's a while back, I've forgotten about it..... 8)

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Offline JonniJacko

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Re: The Not so private Diary of JonniJacco
« Reply #91 on: May 10, 2024, 03:26:25 PM »
One night a long while back, I drove out to a casino about 2 hours away from me. I don't know why, but I felt a need to. Usually I like to go  there during the daytime for its scenic routes. I got there sometime in the wee hours, but for some reason, there were a ton of people. Finding a parking spot was tough, so I ended up parking by all the big rigs and RV's. I didn't really like my parking spot, it was a little tight, slanted downhill, and I remember I had a minor power steering fluid leak. After sitting in my car for a few minutes, I decided to back out and look for a different parking spot. However, due to my lost of memory of the layout of the casino, I exited out of the casino instead. That's when I got lost...It was pouring, and my windows started to fogged up. I turned on the defroster, and it clear my windows up. However, my front windshield starting to what seem "absorb" anything it can laying in my car. Clothes, plastic bags, emptied cans. I keep taking them off from the windshield, but it seemed like a neverending task. It just keep magnetizing itself back to the windshield. As much as I wanted to pull over and stop, it was out of my control, it felt something was pinning my arms to the steering wheel and my foot on the petal. I was really in a desperate state of shock now, and I asked the Truth to forgive me of all my sins from previous lives, and that I will surrender for reals this time.

I finally had a little control of the car. I made a right turn unto a small business. I got out of the car to take a breather, and if there were anyone around that can direct me back home. I saw a not so friendly looking man but he just walked pass me with a glaring look. He opens the door to one of the buildings, took a little boy, by his hand, and they both quickly walked pass me again, without looking at me. I pray one more time, Yes, I double promise this time....The truth, still not convinced, so at this time I started to say to myself, Forget you then, I will find my way back myself....

Big mistake...This time the car is out of control completely, I finally said Okay, it's either the devil or the almighty. Choose now..I chose the ALmighty, because I know spiritually I can never lose if I do...The car came to a violent abrupt stop into a medical clinic this time. As soon as it stopped, a car pulled right behind me. It was a unmarked police car. The cop was furious, angry and asked me loudly "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU??!!"

I said, look officer, look at my windshield. It was still absorbing all sorts of things blocking my view. He look puzzled, a little skeptic, then more puzzled. Then a car pulls right in front of me. The cop said, "hang on, don't go anywhere or you will be sorry, be right back". He starts shouting at this driver who pulls in front of me. The other voice was a woman. THey both exchanged shoutings, and then she drives off. He comes back to me. The windshield still magnetizing everything it can. He calls for back up.

Next thing, 3 more cars show up. They told me to get out of the car, while looking at the windshield, and how it was magnetizing every thing it can. They then all helped me take out all the junks in my car, pulling one item at a time from the windshield. One of the guy said, unfortunately, we're going have to take out all of your seats but the driver's seat as well.

Once they did that, they said, "you're free to go now"....I asked the first cop that stop me, if someone can escort me back home. His phone rang, and he answer, and his shouting match with his wife began again. He gently looks at one of the other cop, he was the quiet one out of the bunch, and whisper to him to give his number to me in case I get lost on my home again. The quiet cop verbally tells me to dial his number, and when I did, he showed me the screen on his phone. He then said "this is to assure you, you're in good hands"

The first cop, still bickering on the phone. The two other cops were playing tricks with the medical workers who were starting to show up for work. They were writing notes that something needs to be cleaned up, or this or that is a violation. They were even flirting with the lady medical workers...It was slight dawn at this time, so they were starting off their day.

The quiet cop put his hand on my shoulder and said, don't worry, you'll get home.

This was when I slowly opened my eyes, and realized I was dreaming...My heart pounding, one half of my body numb.......... ..

This must be the final warning, final dream of a recurring dream I have about getting lost and not able to find my way back home.

This must be what The almight meant, when he said there are a hundred arrows aiming at me.........The devil wanted me carry out his missions.....a nd trust me, I would have cause havoc if I'd not surrender FER REALS to the Almighty that fateful night......... ...... :-X

Folks, believe it. There is indeed GOOD and EVIL among us...........C hoose GOOD, and you shall be save.... :-X

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Offline JonniJacko

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Re: The Not so private Diary of JonniJacco
« Reply #92 on: May 10, 2024, 06:49:12 PM »
If a hawk takes one of your chickens, then it is your fault for not making sure your chickens are protected, If you catch a hawk inside your coop, then its your fault for not making a sturdy enough coop. Should you still kill the hawk?

No,You let it free[/i]

The Good does not believe in Necessary Evil, but in Sacrifice. You got off easily, others have taken much harder hits, others- felt for the trap. This is what Good means by free will. It does not make decisions for you but it will give you signs what the best decision is and the better choice to make.

Let it fly away.

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Offline JonniJacko

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Re: The Not so private Diary of JonniJacco
« Reply #93 on: May 10, 2024, 07:43:45 PM »
My Boss asked me if I would be okay, and comfortable with being employee of the month. This mean my photo will be display on the screens all throughout the building, lunch with the CEO and some positive words about me as a person, a worker and teammate. I said, sure, but I think there's others more deserving of the honor.  ;D He left with a smirk..while I was thinking, man I was trying to sound humble but only made me look arrogant. hahah

He did went with the plan. And the next thing I know, people come up to tell me about it. Some genuinely admiring, some low key jealous as hell, lols. It's part of life. Be wary of those who pretends to be a friend, when really they are probably jealous as hell of you. LOL

Anyway, I finally went to read what the manager wrote. His words, I can tell was from the heart. Very genuine. The CEO express his gratitude, emphasizing that I not only help better the building, but the whole network, worldwide. I came up with better techniques, getting jobs done quicker, safer, and more effeciently. I save the network millions by showing and proving some PPE's were a waste of money and is better off not using them. Overall, he said, I bring such a peaceful and togetherness energy into the building, where even the most difficult employees will calm down in my presence. He then said, I should expect a nice bonus on my next paycheck. Better be at least fay hundo or more..LOL

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Offline JonniJacko

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Re: The Not so private Diary of JonniJacco
« Reply #94 on: May 10, 2024, 11:51:05 PM »
Love is like a slot machine. Sometimes you choose a winning machine, sometimes you choose a losing machine. Some say it's timing, but it really comes down to being lucky. There's no timing if it's meant to be. If its meant to be, you will win almost immediately, but if you don't keep your winnings and walk away once you're ahead, you might just lose it all back, which is likely. If it's not meant to be, you will lose from the start and continue doing so until you run out of ammunition. The more you feed it, thinking a big win is due to hit, but it never come...Leaving you broken.

What all people should strive for is hoping they hit that dream jackpot within a few spins...keep it, run, and never play again. Why would they need to anymore. They are set for life. lol Or they can say, they don't want to take the chance with slot machines, they rather just go hiking or bird watching and if they stumble upon a hidden treasure, then good, if not, they're happy with what they got.


(this is just a anology folks, please don't gamble, even for fun, if you do, losing is the best thing that can happen to you, winning is what get you hooked...lols)

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Offline JonniJacko

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Re: The Not so private Diary of JonniJacco
« Reply #95 on: May 11, 2024, 09:46:13 AM »
Kuv nkag siab lawm- kuv tsis xav ntau. Ua li, mus zoo koj.

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Offline JonniJacko

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Re: The Not so private Diary of JonniJacco
« Reply #96 on: May 11, 2024, 08:42:59 PM »
They sent her to save me. I fought the good vs evil for far too long, if I stay any longer, evil would eventually get me this time.

Thanks for saving me a d guilding me back to reality. I'm forever grateful.

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Offline JonniJacko

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Re: The Not so private Diary of JonniJacco
« Reply #97 on: May 16, 2024, 05:34:33 PM »
Choose to help heal, rather than to further the cuts and bruises in the world....

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Offline JonniJacko

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Re: The Not so private Diary of JonniJacco
« Reply #98 on: May 17, 2024, 11:34:48 PM »
Dear Fam, this could be my last post in here. This time is for reals. haha

Our Hmong people are special. The Almighty had a plan for us all along. It chose to save us. Brought us out of the jungles of Laos into America. Our elders have a difficult time to assimilate, and so we had to navigate the ins and outs of American Life on our own. That of course did not come without a price. As we all know, as time progresses, so has us. We come to assimilate, go on to have successful lives. We overcame adversity and obstacles. The rise and downfall of Hmong gangs, the slow down of underage marriages. The evolution of our traditions and customs to better fit the younger generations to come, the practice of freedom of religion, as many has parted ways with the old ways. It is time, the Hmong people can only progress from here on out, and it looks like we are headed into the right direction so far...however, there is a new evil among us. It is very mainstream actually and it has reach to all Americans. Americas are headed into a very dark space if we do not stop this evil force. The new generations today are the future leaders, and will be the game changers. They are built to take on this new war. I have so much faith in them. So many bright and smart kids out there. Wisdom and intelligence Beyond their ages, at least for us older generations we think so. haha It's going to be a very different world in a few more decades. I asked everyone to give them our support and faith. This is a time, we need to be spiritually United and stronger than ever.
This new evil force is even more manipulative and viscious than what we seen in the past...

Do it for our it for our kids....look into their innocent little eyes, and be reminded, life isn't about you, but about those after you........... .............. .......

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Offline JonniJacko

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Re: The Not so private Diary of JonniJacco
« Reply #99 on: May 22, 2024, 10:16:35 PM »

I feel like these young dragons still needs me, I feel like they are sensing me thinking of leaving them behind, why else would they all the sudden be even more drawn to me as of late? you mean this was just a test to test my faith ?

You already know the answer

Stop by 7/11 first thing this morning. 3 guys were in there before me, they all had green shirts on. I thought they were all together, until noticing they were by themselves. I was the 4th guy walking in,and I just happen to have a green shirt on as well..Army green, dark green, not bright green..haha I don't know, but I think subconsicously we all were like WTHeck?? The clerk rang us all up, one by one. Everyone spoke soft and low but clearly and with authority. Thank you, you too sir. Same to you, good day. Thanks, enjoy your day. Cool, don't work too hard.

Got to work, and not sure why. Everyone said Hi to me. I mean I usually get 10-20 on average every day I go to work. But today, I must of have at least 50...lols Some of these people, are people you just know, you just sense, are very very good people. I don't need validation, lols, but I will take it and I return the favor. That's all it takes folks, just treat everyone with some respect, love, and that they exist and is important in their own ways. Little gestures like these means the world to some. Some people appear very normal, but could come from very broken families, maybe some are hiding their mental illness of some sort, or someone may just need a extra boost of confidence...B e kind, give love freely and expect nothing in the end, we're all here together, and in essence, we all going to leave pretty much the same some is short, love as much as you's the only way to a truly rewarding and fullfilling journey...wher e small talks are deep connections and a simple HI leaves a lasting impression on is is what God means, we're just one move to making it a so much better and wholesome place...All we have to do is CHOOSE to LOVE....8)

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Offline JonniJacko

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Re: The Not so private Diary of JonniJacco
« Reply #100 on: May 23, 2024, 09:51:42 PM »

The truth is fammies, I didn't choose to be chosen, it chose me..haha

this video got me having the chills...i can relate to most if not all the points...but that last one...electric al and electronics... they act weird around me when I'm on high alert...lols but still.... :-X

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Offline JonniJacko

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Re: The Not so private Diary of JonniJacco
« Reply #101 on: May 25, 2024, 02:29:21 AM »
your life is coming together, not falling apart, your journey is not coming to end, it is just starting, you're not late, you're on time.

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Offline JonniJacko

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Re: The Not so private Diary of JonniJacco
« Reply #102 on: May 25, 2024, 03:23:13 AM »
consider your mind, but always go with your heart. Your mind thinks, but your heart knows..... 8)

« Last Edit: May 25, 2024, 03:35:32 PM by JonniJacko »

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Offline JonniJacko

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Re: The Not so private Diary of JonniJacco
« Reply #103 on: May 29, 2024, 07:18:44 AM »
some of the most cliche sayings has stood the test of times and remain the most powerful....

You reap what you sow.....(this saying is eternal, don't care what no one says...)

Its not how much you love someone, but how much you love yourself ( I knew this from an early age, but, back to the first saying, you reap what you sow...and I fukeup too many times and forgot how to love myself...the only thing that save me was, though I forget to, I never stop to, deep within, I knew it was my savior) haha

well yeah folks...when you accept these two God given knowledge, and really live by them, you will escape Hell (earth) with minimal damage...

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Offline JonniJacko

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Re: The Not so private Diary of JonniJacco
« Reply #104 on: June 01, 2024, 05:15:14 PM »
Halfway through the year already folks....We are living in scary times...hahaha

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