
Author Topic: And they keep claiming they are not...  (Read 82 times)

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And they keep claiming they are not...
« on: May 22, 2024, 03:56:15 PM »
closet Nazis... but just care so much about the Palestinian people.

This sure proved that they only care about the poor Palestinians and are not closet Nazi or hate Jews.

But don't just take my post for this fact... Just check out what MSNBC, yes... a Leftie Media, is saying about Neo-Nazi, White Supremacy, hate groups are allied to the Pro-Palestine protesters.

white supremacist and neo-Nazi groups popping up at pro-Palestinian rallies across America, including most recently in Washington, D.C.; Orlando, Florida; Boston; and Missoula, Montana... Jason Kessler, a lead organizer, wrote that Palestinians have a right to declare that “Jews will not replace us.” Richard Spencer, a neo-Nazi, antisemitic conspiracy theorist and white supremacist, posted that lighting the Roman Arch of Titus in blue and white in solidarity with Israel was “a reversal and subversion of Titus’ achievement” (the arch commemorated the Roman Empire’s defeat of a Jewish rebellion in A.D. 81). Nathan Damigo, founder of the white supremacist organization Identity Europa, posted on Oct. 7: “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!” The next day, white supremacist Matthew Parrott, a co-founder of the Traditionalist Worker Party, praised Hamas’ attack, stating that “every military act by the Palestinian forces is an act of freedom fighters” and comparing the massacre of families to “breaking out of a concentration camp to attack your guards.”... the National Justice Party, founded by white supremacists involved in Charlottesvill e, responded to the Oct. 7 attacks by marching in front of the White House with signs that said “No White Lives for Israel” and “Zionism=Terrorism,” expressly calling for the “destruction of Israel.” NJP’s website now encourages people to “begin to imagine a world where Israel no longer exists” in an article titled “Four Ways The Destruction of Israel Can Benefit The West.”... Those tactics are straight from the Nazi playbook — literally. The white supremacist website Daily Stormer produced a “style guide” to help white supremacists write effective propaganda. Under the heading “Prime Directive: Always Blame the Jews for Everything,” the guide instructs that “as Hitler says, people will become confused and disheartened if they feel there are multiple enemies. As such, all enemies should be combined into one enemy, which is the Jews.” - MSNBC

I've said it again and again... majority of these people don't care about Palestinians.. . It's their closet Nazi feelings coming out in the open.

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