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Messages - JonniJacko

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back to the subject, i suppose it's safe to say that different people have different meanings what ghosting is. Such as my good friend here.


The advantage you have is that you are a self-proclaimed bad boy. Let me explain why bad guys finish first and can still lock down a good woman despite your shady relationship history.

Women view your relationship history as you test driving and playing around. It was the fault of those women for allowing themselves to get played by a self-proclaimed player.

Nice guys finish last because they come off as being in love with every single crazy women who they were in relationship with. BIG TURN OFF to a good woman. She doesn't want to think that her man was giving his all to these women who are less than she is. That is a big no-no.

And that is why nice guys will only get the crazy, toxic women. If he doesn't first sabotage a relationship with a good woman with his own lack of efforts, then she will be the one to walk away. Only the crazy ones will keep sticking around him.

See how that goes? Bad guys know how to lock down good women, just like bad girls also know how to lock down good men.

If good people want to end up together then it must happen the first time around while they are both young and single. Anything after that and they are both too jaded.

asshoes and hahainess are both very sexual stimulating traits. it's like a rush of high..and when having sex, its like orgasm on steroids.

General Relationship / Re: 3 Signs They're Not Serious About You...
« on: July 11, 2023, 11:03:44 PM »
you just know. if you have to ask then you already know.

General Relationship / Re: 10 Signs Someone is Losing Interest in You
« on: July 11, 2023, 11:02:30 PM »
you just know when the flame is dying down or has went out long ago.

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