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Messages - theking

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Says Mr. "Ruam" that continues to fail at reading comp. yet again.  ;D

jetter, ( :2funny:  ...   :idiot2:)

Have you tried to click on your Google/WWW search links -- LMAO!  Obviously not!  (Hint:  Some of the links comes right back to this "THREAD" - LMAO! -  :idiot2:  ...   :2funny:)

Then the stuff you posted on this "THREAD" must also be posted by a person that is "ill-informed, ignorant, and likely clueless" and can only provide "general" information since Google found it ::), because according to you, that's pretty much what Google is good for ...

I rather get my information from people that have actually published/produced resources easily accessible in the Google realm then listen to crickets for days from people that can't answer shit and needed that time to do their own research (perhaps, even utilizing Google along the way  ;D) if I was researching for something. Yeah, the stuff available on Google is that good because many of the people that provided those information have legit knowledge like Tougeu Leepalao. I can guarantee you that legit knowledgeable people like him won't need days of stalling or to do research to answer lilly's inquiry  O0.

As I've said, she brought up your name in the initial inquiry and for days, nothing but cricket sounds then I showed her another way of getting the information needed faster, you can't handle it like a 1 y.o. that just gotten his pacifier taken away abruptly. What took you so long then? Obviously, you don't have the information readily available and needed to do your own research. Perhaps even using the internet i.e., Google to get the information  ;D.

Lilly, ( :))

Do not lose "hope".  As for those primitive, backwards, and caveman like antics, they mean nothing except to validate a lack of cultural awareness, knowledge, and insight of and about Hmong-centric ceremony/practices -- being so ill-informed, if not ignorant; thus they have no choice but to defer to Google/WWW for whatever "general info" it can offer  ...   ;D

What is "hilarious" is that despite the caveman antics, the instigator(s) has failed to draft anything of any relevance except to squawk incessantly - lol.

I will "chime" in whenever, or after Google/WWW has had ample time to squawk - lol  ...   O0 .

Ua tsaug ...   :)

Says Mr. "Ruam" that continues to fail at reading comp. ;D

Looks good buster,

Thanks for sharing. The 2004-2008 R1 generations are still my favorite in terms of looks.

Hmong Culture & History / Re: Hmong Shamanism Should be Eliminated
« on: August 22, 2013, 05:45:55 PM »
No, people have the right to practice whatever religion in this great country as long as they are not doing anything illegal such as sacraficing virgins.

added liquid cooling and radiators to their big twin cruisers. They can't used the "ugly radiator" argument anymore against the liquid cool big twin Japanese cruisers. Used to be "chrome plastic" from the HD crowd, and that died down because HD started to use them too. Then it's the "radiator is ugly on those JAP cruisers". What's next?  ;D ;D ;D

Google is your best friend

Thank you, Jetter!!!

Found this thread that led back to PH.  Hahaha!!!

Bingo  O0! If you would to watch it in video form, there are some good vids on YouTube as well (if it's still there) that teach about the stuff in our culture. With Google, it's just a click away, instead of waiting for days ... O0

/\/\/\  ...  ( :D)

For a squawker who claims that Hmong culture/custom is primitive and backwards, they yet turn to and rely on Google/WWW for whatever mediocrity they can scavage  ...  :2funny:

Oh come on, surely your Google/WWW can entertain Lilly -- so squawk away.

(We all are interested to know what "mediocrity" you can scavage from Google/WWW  ...   O0)

Ua tsaug  ...   :)

Yep, still just cricket sounds from Mr.  "vo doo"  ;D. And yes, I can because it's just a mouse click away but she's not asking me to do it for her.

The inquiring was requested for several days, and nothing but cricket sounds, and now that I showed her a way to get the answers to her questions, mr. "vo doo" can't handle it. Hey, she specifically asked for you, NOT me. I was just wondering why the cricket sounds for several days so I showed her another avenue. Nothing wrong with that FU.

Chidorix0x, please don't mind theking.  I would really like it if you do the answering instead of google.  Thank you.

Now is your chance Chi, better not let the woman listen to crickets for days ... ;D

/\/\/\  ...  says the squawking do-do bird.

Why not answer Lilly's inquiry with your WWW mumbo-jumbo  ...   O0

Says the "Ruam" crickets ...I already answered that question "Clitorix0x.

/\/\/\ ...  why don't you answer all of Lilly's question with your Google-based information then?

Let's see how much you can Google --  O0

Because a person can gain more by learning to do it him/herself. Not just learning how to be more resourceful but also discovering how easy it is access the available information on the WWW regarding Hmong weddings and pretty much anything else with just a click of the mouse.
Yes, it's that easy, just ask Google.

Much better than hearing crickets since August 15th when the inquiry was created ...

Travel & Vacation Forum / Re: Going to Laos... For Dummies (Like Me)
« on: August 19, 2013, 09:12:00 PM »
some of you guys should go to Malaysia... i hear they have lots of beautiful hmong women there who aren't after your money. 

Disagree, "money" is still on top of many women's criteria when looking for a mate regardless of what country they are from. Just like looks is on top of many men's criteria when looking for their mates. Therefore, can't count on the "who aren't after your money".

Like I've pointed out in the other thread, Google is your friend. It's much faster to get the information by asking Google too. Lots of resources out there ( text and video ), and it can easily answer your "not look back" and "black umbrella" questions.

Funeral Rituals & Customs / Re: Roles of tshwj kab & kav xwm
« on: August 19, 2013, 08:04:45 PM »

Here's the same man (Tougeu Leepalao) that compiled the funeral procedure in video form:

Besides Tougeu's legit knowledge, lots of other free (via www) resources out there. Again, Google is your friend.

Funeral Rituals & Customs / Re: Roles of tshwj kab & kav xwm
« on: August 16, 2013, 09:28:54 PM »
chidorix0x and whomever knows the ins and outs of hmong rituals,

Could you guys/gals please educate us on the different roles people play in Hmong funerals and in Hmong weddings?  And what are the procedures/processes/standard practices?

Google is your friend  :):

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